Tuesday, September 11, 2012

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As far as picking goes, it's hard to resist the lure of the magnifying mirror, that evil contraption that turns every pore into a crater.
But while it may appear that your clogged pores number in the thousands, many of those little dots, particularly on the nose, are entirely normal hair follicles.
Resist the urge to squeeze; leave extractions to the professionals.
"If you have a well-trained medical aesthetician working under louis vuitton replica handbags auspice of a derm, they can use acne extractors or microneedles to actually get in there for the more difficult white- heads, " says Neil Sadick, MD, who shares his Park Avenue office space in New York with facialist Luzinete Ripardo, famed for her incredibly thorough ("almost OCD, " says one fan) pore cleanses.
(And for emergency spot reduction, the best cure is a shot of cortisone from the doc.
Louis Vuitton Nomade Leather But the most major advancement may come thanks to gene research, such as that done at P& G's Miami Valley laboratory in Ohio.
A team of researchers led by Rose-mane Osborne, PhD, recently developed an innovative combination of a topical antimicrobial (sodium dehydroacetate) and vitamin B (niacinamide)that was shown, in double-blind independent clinical studies, to reduce sebum production significantly (both can be found in the new Olay Pro-X Clear line).
louis vuitton speedy 30 next? "The biggest genomics breakthrough relative to acne is understanding why some of us get acne and others don't, " Osborne says.
"This type of research will lead to more customized solutions for acne-prone skin in the near future.
" For longtime acne sufferers, that sounds akin to a quantum leap-one that just may help ensure that we never have to turn to toothpaste as a skin care treatment again.

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